The Honorary Membership is awarded to those individuals who have contributed significantly to development of ECAHO, Arabian Horse Events and/or the Welfare of the Arabian Horse in direct relation to the activities of ECAHO. Any Member can propose an individual that fits the description to the Executive Committee in writing through a submission form available on the ECAHO website. This form needs to be stamped and signed on behalf of the proposing Member organization.
The following prerequisites are required to be considered for the ECAHO honorary membership:
The Honorary Membership is awarded at the Annual General Meetings. Normally one individual will be honored per annum. The Executive Committee may deviate from this number in extenuating circumstances.
Holger Ismer (1947 – 2023)
One of the great German breeders. On one hand the Ismer stud was - and still is - the oldest and largest private thoroughbred Arabian horse stud in Germany, on the other hand Holger Ismer was also a real breeder and visionary. Thanks to him that, in addition to the initial pony breeding, thoroughbred Arabian breeding was established in Ströhen and continues to this day. Since 2007 the stud has been managed by his son Nils. Holger was one of the founding members of ECAHO. He was an active force behind many ECAHO rules. He also led the Racing Committee of ECAHO and had the vision of the fair competition for everyone. He was ECAHO A Judge for many years. His last show was the All Nations Cup in 2022.